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Wednesday, March 18

Sweet sweet couple,jun wen is the mama,kc is the papa and of course benedict is the baby la!!!lol.forget to include the maid,FATIMAH,foo xiang bing.

In mos burger,haha.i was so gan dong by the huqin ppl can?haha.THANKS A LOT!!!love you guys!!

Jing hui is jus plain cute!!!

NEOprints taken on my big birthday!!!

Thanks js and wx for the sweet present!!!!haha,tats was so sweet of you all!!!love you girls the most!!!!and wei jie also.MUACKZ!!!!ANd also the erhu ppl,so sweet of you all to plan all these things today!!i chao gan dong!you all are the best huqin ppl menxz!!!haha.see see,i posted the pictures of all the presents i had received for my 15 birthday lei!!!this 15 birthday is so special and unforgettable la!THANKS EVERYONE!!


i WASahead of you, behind you, but never by your side

Monday, March 16
Dinner at pp after syf rehearsal!!!!we were lyk gossiping all the way in banquet.haha.so fun.then we laugh until damn loud sia.....

found these cute shoeprints on pp escalators.haha,so to ensure tat we use the escalator properly and know exactly where to place our feet.

PP has so many long and cool escalators!!!we got so fascinated tt we took all the long long escalators!!!haha.xin lin so candid.

The seniors said tat our rehearsal was not bad lei,zhang bin said so too!!!!haha,hu qin is seriously not bad la.haha,jus needs more tai feng.i super nervous on the stage la,STAGE FRIGHT.LOL right?i also why lei.the torture camp is coming,starting to chiong for syf jus lyk two years ago le!!hope our efforts wont be wasted!!!jia you co and especially hu qin!!YAY!!!
I finally bought my new erhu le!!!so chio,red colour de lei!!!!haha.


i WASahead of you, behind you, but never by your side

Tuesday, March 3
OMG!!!i have totally fallen in love with all these candid shots of he da cheng la!!!!haha.1st pic:HE IS EMOING
2nd one:he is not bad at taking pics.

3rd one:OOPSS!!!i forget to bring my comb!!!

Class lunch at WAPOS!although quite disappointing and annoying with the slow.........speed.but overall still okay la,haha.with yang jun the entertainment-er?lol.jus call him the entainer.haha.

THIS IS NOT I DO DE HOR!!!haha.crossword the thing thing hor,is to form nice and sweet words de lei,md boys,dun misuse it!!!lol.

debi,shu ying-she claims herself future CHIEF JUSTICE. and ester

jus below CHIEF JUSTICE office,if i am not wrong.haha.in the UFO thingy lei!!!haha.the scenery is spectacular,only with four of us around.

it is almost from tall to short order,guess who is in the shorter side,and who is the shortest???haha.kidding la.and yang jun jus so EXTRA in this picture lor.

This is where i live okay?so cool right?i and he da cheng were trying to locate where were our blocks.haha.and on the big big map,we were guessing where is tampines and i keep on cannot find,then i was so angry!!!!I was lyk"WHERE IS HOUSE?!?!?!I CANNOT FIND MY HOUSE!!!"haha.

wanxin,me,yuting,liu yuan and hui ling!!!

zi lian after class lunch in the toilet,took a little too long and missed the corrections explaining part on the e.maths quiz.haha

haha.MD is bonding after all!!!!haha.i am feeling super sick now...:(sobx sobx.can i miss the talk tommorrow,if not i will become even more sick...haha.and i dunno why i keep mixing up kevin and kenneth's name,keep calling the wrong name!ARGH!and hor,i found out the truth abt JUN XIANG LE LOR!!!!haha.you cant run away now!!!!


i WASahead of you, behind you, but never by your side

Monday, March 2
Today is CO+tuition day again.haha.super late then reach home as usual.
OMG!!!today co tat time damn funny.haha.me and jun wen say tat short jing hui shld use a shorter 'gong' and short ppl alsi shld have smaller ears and short hair!!!!!haha.true right?so,not so tall ppl,check your ears now!!!!!
today,huqin must do squats lei!!!so sad....
and.............i dunno wat else to post le.
i suddenly realised i am very nosey and busybody,everybody things also wanna know.BUY I AM JUS LYK TAT!!!!haha.too bad...
next week got too many tests le,so sad....sec 3s life is jus so sad and boring,no time for fun.so sec1 and 2s,must enjoy kay?


i WASahead of you, behind you, but never by your side

uh oh!!!!!my blogskin has become the cute cute elmo le lei!!!!!haha.you all cannot find it right?
i so lazy to post pics la,but today we had our very first CLASS LUNCH!!!!we strongly support PSG,so we ordered 43 packets from them and yum yum,we ate in class!!!and some ppl forget to take chopsticks and spoons ar.....still walk slow slow back to class!!!!one is 'Mr.ahid' and one is 'Mr.mustafa'!!!!haha.they walk back to class still have the same style de lei!!!!one is lyk super gay,the other is lyk so ah beng can?L0L.kele and wan xin witnessed.
Today table tennis was fun and sweaty la!!!No ventilation at all in the basement.AND WE MEET THE EXPERT,ANG YEE!!!!she serve the ball ar,nobody can hit back de lei.and then hor,she play lyk so relaxed lor,pro "jiu shi" pro.haha.
But assembly was so boring,NYAA and HERITAGE TALK!!!we really clapped so loudly today lor,cause it was lyk 5 plus to 6 already lei!!!!!!so tired la,almost fell asleep.
I found out a new thing today!!!i know it is sick la,but hor i know a new word:nPCC.haha.it is the guys teach me one hor,but i still dun really know the meaning even after yang jun explained to me.haha.i guess i am jus so innocent la.haha.and lyk every guy know about the three lettered thing la,means it is rather popular between guys.EWWWWW.....
I WANNA WARN YOU ALL AR....NO BULLYING MY HUEI YING JIE JIE.cannot take her ez-link card ar,you know who i talking about la hor?you know you know,dun act blur,dun put the blame on JX la.aiyo.
Really starting to love 3MD more le,with shu ying,sili,jaf ie,kenneth,heok hong,food providers-kevin,kah yong(although something quite money face.haha),huei ying jie jie,jia qi,debi,theresa,yue ying and iylia and of course my usual darlings,wan xin,jing shi and kele la.wont leave you all out de la.:Dand many more.lets bond even more in tomorrow's outing kays?


i WASahead of you, behind you, but never by your side

3MD 'o9, going to 4MD '10
with crazy friends and you.
eating, sleeping
definitely not studying
being by your side
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<♥3MD Two Empathy cchmsco:) 1mdgirls ben bernedette charmaine charisa chenhao cherlymine cindy jiahui Dana Danling Debi Deon Eunice&Tania Ester Fiona Gekting huiting JafIe Jiangjun ♥Jingshi joanne junxiang kahyong karen Kele minyuan marcus mr.yee renia sally samuel samyee sandy shijing shuying siewting singhui sirong ♥siyun tsz hin valerie victoria vivienne ♥wanxin weibin wenhui xinlin yaochang yingtong yujie yuting zehao zhiwen
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